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Business Data Protection Plan: Do You Need a Safe?

websitebuilder • April 30, 2020
Safe door slightly open — Cerritos, CA — Southern California Security Centers Inc

Business owners in the United States should not underestimate the expense their company could face if a loss of data occurs. Small data losses, like those that result in the loss of about 100 records, could cost a business up to nearly $36,000 per incident, according to a  study  by Verizon. Large losses could mean millions spent in recovery and other expenses. 

Most businesses need to invest in several methods to ensure their information has full protection. Even the options considered the most secure can lead to unexpected problems. Every company needs to understand its risks and follow a sensible data protection plan.

How Expenses Accumulate

Data losses could make businesses inoperable and force employees to remain idle and sales to come to a halt. Recovery can involve investment in IT services and new equipment. A data loss, especially if it involves a breach, can damage the reputation of a business and result in permanently lost customers. Data breaches may also lead to lawsuits from clients.

Businesses that lose data may also lose important research or planning that took years to produce. Replacement of everything could prove impossible or could mean paying employees weeks of wages just to return the company to its original standing. In some industries, companies receive fines for compromised systems and sensitive data leaks.

Why Clouds Fail

Many companies turn to cloud storage to protect their sensitive information. The use of an off-site cloud may seem like the perfect solution because of the promises of security provided by the companies offering these services. The security of the cloud may seem absolute, but placing sensitive data there could expose it to more risk.

Cloud storage is a safe option to protect data if a fire or flood damages a business. The convenience of cloud services, however, could become a source of concern. Many business owners appreciate that files placed on a cloud storage system are accessible from any computer, but that accessibility could include offsite hackers.

Breaches into cloud storage services have happened with many large and professionally operated companies.  Some  Breaches into cloud storage services have happened with many large andprofessionally operated companies. usefulness of cloud services for adding storage space for business files is undeniable, but it is not always the best solution for backing up all data.

Why Safes Work

Protecting data by backing up information onto a disk or saving it solely on a CD, DVD, thumb drive, or other media keeps the information available to reload if needed. The backup options also keep sensitive data secure and non-viewable to anyone without the specific media storage option in hand. A safe for these products protects the media while in storage.

Protection of data with the use of a safe requires a secure design made specifically for this purpose. A data safe offers waterproof, smokeproof, and fireproof protection. The designs include interior climate control measures to prevent excess heat or humidity from degrading the media. Additional burglary-control measures also prevent unwanted access.

Data safes come in many sizes to meet the needs of all businesses. They can also store paper files and other valuables as easily as they store media. Business owners can have access to their backup data without the expense of hiring an IT company to retrieve the lost information. Data kept offline can also stay safer from most cyberthieves.

Data protection is as valuable as any insurance policy. The use of a safe along with updated virus protection and cloud services can ensure that necessary information stays available and confidential files stay hidden. At  Southern California Security Centers Inc. , we offer secure and reliable data media safes. Visit our website or contact us to learn more.

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